Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, mine was pretty great. I had a few ok shifts at work including, a crazy 8 am to 9 pm shift on Saturday. I was able to make it out alive though and spent the last two days just relaxing and preparing for another week ahead.

I spent Sunday with my boyfriend Bradley, we did the stereotypical thing, "SHOPPING!" After we got done at the mall we headed over to Tupelo Honey Cafe, a wonderful place in Market Square, of downtown Knoxville. They make everything from scratch and use all free range and antibiotics free meat. A definite must visit if you are ever in downtown Knoxville.

The following morning I got to experience what few seem to these days, the joys of sleeping in! After I got up though I made a healthy lunch, cheated on my snack, and played Gears of War 3 with Brad. I spent most of the rest of the night exercising and playing games. That bring us to today, my first work day of the week, I so far have slept in, plan on doing a work out before and after work and just spent some quality time reflecting on my life.

I plan on updating this Blog more often with some recipes and other reviews, but at least this gets you caught up on my world. Wish me luck tonight!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Just a day.

Yesterday I spent the majority of my day cleaning my house in preparations for my landlord to pay me a visit. I actually have a pretty great landlord, he has been very flexible with me on the price and terms of my lease.

This started last January when I had to find a place to live in two weeks because someone bought my house with cash. This proved very complicated and he just made the transition easier.

Besides all that I worked a nice dinner closing shift at work and got to talk to some pretty amazing people. Some days I love my job and other days I question myself. This day was right in the middle, but I hope it was only a preface to an even better day today, we will see!

Thank you

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I haven't posted in a while because I have been crazy busy. Between work and various little projects I have barely had enough time at home to think let alone write! I need to get on my gym bandwagon and actually make something out of this bet I have on Dietbet.com . Basically you put in money into a big pot and if you reach your weight loss goal you split the pot with everyone else who reached theirs. I am currently behind a bit, but that OK I plan on catching up in the end.

I have had a wild few days at work, everything from fires, to wild tables, to people who have literally just made me smile from ear to ear. I have met quite a few new people this week that make me have a bit more faith in the human race. I hope this continues through the weekend, because come Saturday, a day I work 8 am- 11 pm) I will need those people to help me push onward and make it through my day. 

I'll try to keep you informed about what happens, and I might even toss in a story from the last week (if you're lucky )

Have a good one!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year!

     Hello and welcome everyone to a brand new year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, spent with lots of time with friends, family and random bar patrons getting drunk. I spent the last couple of days with my Boyfriend. We spent some quality time just hanging out watching youtube videos, playing board games and drinking....

     *Caution* just because you want variety at your New Year's Eve party, it does not mean you should try one (or more) of every drink. I learned a thing or two about beer mixing and champagne as well. I think everyone should take some quality time and find a few drinks they like, just so they have some choices to fall back on in social settings.

     Hopefully this new year proves to be full of even more exciting times, stories, and adventures than last year did. I hope everyone was safe and sane this Holiday season!

P.s. I will continue with some more self help advice column posts after I get resettled into work this week! Tell me what you want to see posted, I will gladly give anything a try.
