Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, mine was pretty great. I had a few ok shifts at work including, a crazy 8 am to 9 pm shift on Saturday. I was able to make it out alive though and spent the last two days just relaxing and preparing for another week ahead.

I spent Sunday with my boyfriend Bradley, we did the stereotypical thing, "SHOPPING!" After we got done at the mall we headed over to Tupelo Honey Cafe, a wonderful place in Market Square, of downtown Knoxville. They make everything from scratch and use all free range and antibiotics free meat. A definite must visit if you are ever in downtown Knoxville.

The following morning I got to experience what few seem to these days, the joys of sleeping in! After I got up though I made a healthy lunch, cheated on my snack, and played Gears of War 3 with Brad. I spent most of the rest of the night exercising and playing games. That bring us to today, my first work day of the week, I so far have slept in, plan on doing a work out before and after work and just spent some quality time reflecting on my life.

I plan on updating this Blog more often with some recipes and other reviews, but at least this gets you caught up on my world. Wish me luck tonight!

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