Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I haven't posted in a while because I have been crazy busy. Between work and various little projects I have barely had enough time at home to think let alone write! I need to get on my gym bandwagon and actually make something out of this bet I have on Dietbet.com . Basically you put in money into a big pot and if you reach your weight loss goal you split the pot with everyone else who reached theirs. I am currently behind a bit, but that OK I plan on catching up in the end.

I have had a wild few days at work, everything from fires, to wild tables, to people who have literally just made me smile from ear to ear. I have met quite a few new people this week that make me have a bit more faith in the human race. I hope this continues through the weekend, because come Saturday, a day I work 8 am- 11 pm) I will need those people to help me push onward and make it through my day. 

I'll try to keep you informed about what happens, and I might even toss in a story from the last week (if you're lucky )

Have a good one!

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