Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year!

     Hello and welcome everyone to a brand new year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, spent with lots of time with friends, family and random bar patrons getting drunk. I spent the last couple of days with my Boyfriend. We spent some quality time just hanging out watching youtube videos, playing board games and drinking....

     *Caution* just because you want variety at your New Year's Eve party, it does not mean you should try one (or more) of every drink. I learned a thing or two about beer mixing and champagne as well. I think everyone should take some quality time and find a few drinks they like, just so they have some choices to fall back on in social settings.

     Hopefully this new year proves to be full of even more exciting times, stories, and adventures than last year did. I hope everyone was safe and sane this Holiday season!

P.s. I will continue with some more self help advice column posts after I get resettled into work this week! Tell me what you want to see posted, I will gladly give anything a try.


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