Friday, December 28, 2012

My Life....

     Today started out much better than yesterday did by far! I went to work, I only had to work a single 4 hour shift where I cleared $100 which is a great shift for me. I was blessed with many very nice and solid tipping people. If everyday of work was as beneficial as today was I would be a happy camper.

     After work I went and got my hair cut and a shave, which to me is one of the best things I can possibly do to reinvigorate my self image. I feel so refreshed and rejuvenated after it that it's hard to bring me down. I then when shopping with some co-workers and spent a bit too much money, but hey everyone makes mistakes. I learned today that it's always better to let the good times out weigh the bad in your memory and to always push forward. I also learned that smiling will almost always over power anyone who is foul mouthed or in a bad mood. It's contagious!

Sorry I don't have more from today, maybe one day I'll video blog my day. I have also thought about reviewing and blogging about recipes, gadgets, stores, and restaurants, let me know if you think I should delve into this!


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