Monday, December 10, 2012

Getting Started

     This blog will be dedicated to the trials and tribulations of the average young adult as they face them. It will include everything from personal goals and aspirations of mine, to the average person's goals. It will demonstrate new and exciting outcomes from ideas submitted to this blog from it's followers. I will post and update it regularly so everyone can get a true taste of what others are going through and how they themselves can make it through those awkward years of college and beyond.

    I would like to first start us off by giving you a bit of back story behind myself. I am a 20 something college graduate from Tennessee. I have faced many troubles and some great challenges through out my life, but I have always dove into them head first and found solutions. I feel that sharing is the number one way of lightening the burden of any life challenge and that there should be a place unlike normal social networking where people can work through things and truly broaden themselves as human beings. If you believe in this message I would love for you to repost or share this with your friends.

I'll keep it short today, but as I always say, KEEP SHARING, it's the key to finding yourself.

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