Thursday, December 13, 2012

Continuing on...

     First off, I apologize for my lack of  a post these past two days! I have started my oh so fun work week of 4 doubles in a row.

     I want to continue where I left of the other day and expanding on it with some very real experiences. After finding myself jobless I felt that I had finally hit the bottom of the barrel. I started skipping classes and getting down on myself. I was also single at the time which only further added to my negativity. After applying for unemployment I finally felt that I could sympathize with all of the middle class Americans that fell shorter and shorter on their bills after the recession hit.

    I decided to do what any problem solving entrepreneur person would do, I shifted my focus from the negativity to the future. I started going back to class and with the help of my friends and my director (at school) I turned my failing semester into a new start. I ended the semester with a new job and a B+ average.

     This just goes to show you that sometimes in your darkest hour if you can just shift your focus and maybe, just maybe distract yourself a bit from the reality around you. You then begin to open up and allow people to help you back to your former self if not better.

    I am going to cut today's blog just a little short, but I will try to post more and continue some more of my back story as I work this weekend.

Thank You,

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