Saturday, December 22, 2012

Family ties

I feel that everyone takes the holidays differently. Some people are still deep seeded in traditions, while others are dead set on making new ones on their own. I am quite conflicted when it comes to family. My parents separated a few years ago now and therefore I always have two of everything.

I am currently at my dad's side of the family's Christmas party, every year we meet up at a cabin in the mountains and spend the entire weekend there. This year is no different, so that sparked a thought in my head. I wonder how many families still actually have traditions and if they have changed over the years.

I asked some of my friends about their families and their traditions, and most of them either don't have traditions or don't even spend the holidays with their family. Now, I'm not much of a family guy myself, but I always try to make some time for them around the holidays.

I hope everyone takes time to spend time with the people they love whether that's their friends, family, or otherwise. Leave a comment below about some of your family's traditions or your plans for the holidays and we will talk about them.

Thanks for reading,

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